dong huap

Why I'm Quitting League of Legends

Why Iron elo accounts are so Expensive

Both Kayn's are broken

Why This Pantheon Hit Challenger 3 Times

No one plays Lux Mid in Challenger. Except this guy

Why the Chinese Super Server is so Special

How the #1 Sett uses Math to punch people

Rank 1 is a Singed main who's a Pro support player

Dopa's Philosophy for Success in League

The #1 Korean Zed doesn't act like an Assassin.

Mechanics are Overrated. Says the #1 EUW Riven

Why asains are better at League

Story of EDG's win at League of Legend's worlds. Feat Flandre

What's Meta Why Ornn Is So Op

Why this Pyke Is #1 in the WORLD

Why Smurfing CANNOT be fixed

How to play like a Challenger Pyke

The most Broken champion in the game

How Challengers abuse Reworked Aurelion Sol

Who is Lathyrus? Why he's the best Bard in the World.

Dong Huap how to deal with singed

T1 Zeus reacts to TheBaus carrying his Game

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